Monday, December 1, 2008

Sparks-Sparks/Halfnelson (1971)

Definitely an acquired taste, but one that is hard to get out of your mouth either way. This one is their first and in my opinion resides near the top of their output. Produced and signed by Todd Rundgren, you can see how someone would be drawn to the optimism and ingenuity of the songs. 'Wonder Girl' is a definite hit and completely strange all at once, 'High C' is probably my favorite cut on here though. All over the place and great, Highly Recommended for fans of Ween and to those of you who dug the Soft Boys record (kind of a stretch but...)

1. Wonder Girl
2. Fa La Fa Lee
3. Roger
4. High C
5. Fletcher Honorama
6. Simple Ballet
7. Slowboat
8. Biology 2
9. Saccharin and the War
10. Big Bands
11. (No More) Mr. Nice Guys (Bonus Track)


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